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Sally Clarkson Books

motherhood | May 5, 2021

Our culture minimizes the importance of a mother’s role but Sally Clarkson helps to set things straight!  She has been a mentor to many homeschooling mamas through the pages of her books and we encourage you to treat yourself to this trio or order one, leaving the rest on your Wishlist.

The Mission of Motherhood
Mom Heart Moments
The Ministry of Motherhood

Sally Clarkson also has a Podcast called At Home with Sally Clarkson & Friends.



I wasn’t a Christian when I began my mothering journey. I was several years in when I became a Christian and the Lord has used many wonderful resources over the years to shape my view of motherhood for the better.

There was a time when I had a very poor attitude towards motherhood. I struggled to see the value in the day-to-day details of mom life and I felt overwhelmed by a task list that seemed neverending, unmanageable, far too repetitive, and very menial. I’ve received wonderful mentorship in the pages of books written for moms but admittedly, I have had The Mission of Motherhood sitting on my shelf for quite some time, unread. I have really enjoyed listening to Sally’s podcasts and can testify from listening to her that she is a resource that you will benefit from!

Whether you are struggling in your role or at a place where you just need some affirmation, these books will bless you!

Rest assured that you are spending heaps of time on tasks that do have real value, both for the here and now and for eternity. You have a sweet missions field that lives right in your home and I encourage you to set your mind to that on a daily basis. My best days start with the Lord, in his word, and in prayer. Remember that there is nothing we can accomplish apart from his grace and there are things only the Lord can do in the lives of our children.

Be encouraged as you spend another day doing mom things.

by Adrianne Curwen

Adrianne is a wife to a public-school educator/administrator and a homeschooling Mama to seven children, ranging in age from 7 to 23. She believes that we have a unique opportunity as homeschoolers to design individualized education that suits giftings, interests, and passions. She and her husband have used a blend of registered homeschooling, enrolment with independent DL schools, and participation in public trade school programs to design individualized programs for their children.  She is passionate about using as many read-alouds, picture books, novels, and conversations to educate her children but also gets excited by the amazing homeschool-designed curriculum that’s out there.  Adrianne is thrilled by her new role as Communication Specialist for Classical Education Books and is grateful to have an opportunity to learn something new.  She is grateful, every day, for her saviour, Jesus Christ, and has no greater joy than when she sees her most important missions field walk with Him.




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