Latest News - Page 6

Advent Book Calendar

Christmas | February 6, 2021

How does your family celebrate the waiting? Advent has a long and interesting history with various traditions popping up throughout.  Advent means “coming” in Latin.  Today Christians use the season of advent to celebrate the coming of Jesus into the world and it is also symbolic as the church waits for Christs’ return. It is...

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Teaching Through February

Book Stacks | February 4, 2021

I really enjoy allowing the rhythm of the year to guide us through some of our learning.  February has a lot packed into it and this Book Stack has great titles to help you move through the month and all the learning themes that go along with it. Started off February by reading Groundhog Day. ...

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Curriculum Spotlight – Old Western Culture

Curriculum | January 27, 2021

The more I read, the more I want to read and realize that I will never get through my list. That doesn’t stop me from reading, but sometimes I wonder if my time is spent wisely on one text versus another. This is particularly true about the literary canon where I want to read every...

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Introducing CEB’s Book Stacks

Book Stacks | January 20, 2021

  Whether books are the foundation to your child’s learning, something you use to supplement curriculum, or you simply value what books bring into your home, CEB’s Book Stacks are something we’ll be pulling together on a regular basis to help you educate your children. Making Memories Themes are fun and a key ingredient to...

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Curriculum Spotlight – Writing and Rhetoric

Curriculum | January 13, 2021

      Common Writing Challenges  There is no tyranny like the blank page, or so the saying goes. If you have taught writing you know that look. The eyes glaze over, heavy sighing ensues, and the pencil drops on the page. What shall we write about? Where shall we start? It is difficult to...

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Dear Young Mama

Encouragement, Homeschooling | January 5, 2021

My family has a New Year’s Eve tradition where we write a letter to our future selves.  We open it a year later, on New Year’s Eve.  It’s fun but sometimes discouraging.  I’ve learned that writing a list of goals as a motivational tool can fall flat as you read through the list the following...

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Focus on Habits, Not Resolutions and Goals!

Encouragement | January 5, 2021

Nope, not a fan of New Year’s resolutions.  I do not need to set myself up to underachieve in one more area of my life.  We’re already behind in our Language Arts program and the Latin Words flashcards still have the cellophane wrapping on them.   But the start of a new year seems too significant...

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Book Stack for Boys

Book Stacks | January 5, 2021

  Send the boys in your life on an adventure with these books.  Visit a graveyard with Tom Sawyer, battle wolves in The Green Ember, or run away to Catskill Mountains in My Side of the Mountain.  If you have a reluctant reader then head off on the adventure with him and try a read-aloud.  Get caught up...

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Book Stack for Girls

Book Stacks | January 5, 2021

  Books have much to offer our girls. These titles are packed with adventure, life lessons to explore, emotions to face, and new things to learn. Embark on a conversation about how we should treat others and the regret that follows when we don’t do the right thing, as you read The Hundred Dresses. Introduce your daughter to another...

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Book Stack for Mamas

Book Stacks | January 5, 2021

  Keep-er /ˈkēpər/ 1. a book that has worn edges, dog-eared corners, and pencil markings because it has been poured over many times similar meanings: treasure trove, gold mine, cache The books listed here are all keepers.  Many of them should probably just remain in your “to periodically review” pile as there really is too much to be...

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Book Stack for Dads

Book Stacks | January 5, 2021

Many fathers are out of the house, working during the day, leaving the Moms to do the lion’s share of the homeschooling.  It’s a setup that often makes sense but a father’s involvement is a blessing to his wife and children so we’ve selected a stack of books to help. There is something here for...

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